YOGYAKARTA - The parole program was provided by the Directorate General of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights (Ditjenpas Kemenkumham) to 23 corruption convicts. The former corruptors who received the program were released from prison starting September 6, 2022.

"There are also convicts of corruption crimes whose conditional exemption decrees have been issued immediately issued on September 6, 2022," said Rika Aprianti, Coordinator of Public Relations and Protocol of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights, in a written statement.

During the September period, the Directorate General of Law and Human Rights of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights has given conditional rights to 1,368 convicts of all criminal acts throughout Indonesia. The rights received by prisoners are in the form of parole, conditional leave, leave before release.

The Ditjenpas of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights has issued 58,054 parole decrees, conditional leave and leave before being released for prisoners for all criminal cases in Indonesia, from 2022 to September.

So who is the list of corrupt convicts who got the conditional free program?

From the list of corrupt convicts who received conditional rights, there are a number of names who are quite well known as high-ranking state officials. Some inmates are caught in serious or serious corruption cases, such as bribes from the Constitutional Court to e-KTP cases.

Causes of Prisoners for Corruptors to Get Conditional Free Porgrams

Conditional rights are granted to prisoners based on conditions or provisions that have been regulated in the law. If prisoners meet administrative and substantive requirements, eating can be granted conditional release rights, conditional leave, and leave before release.

The rules regarding granting conditional rights are regulated in Article 10 of Law Number 22 of 2022 concerning Corrections where Napi has met certain requirements without exception being entitled to remission, assimilation, visiting or visiting family leave, conditional leave, leave before release, exemption, conditional; and other rights in accordance with the provisions of the legislation.

Prisoners are entitled to parole if they meet certain requirements as referred to in Paragraph 1, including good behavior, actively participate in coaching programs and have shown a decrease in the level of risk.

However, not immediately the eligible prisoners were immediately released from the bui. Conditional free prisoners must also meet certain requirements as referred to in Paragraph 2, prisoners who will be given leave before release or parole must have served a minimum sentence of two-thirds with a condition of two-thirds of the sentence at least nine months.

Those are some of the names of conditionally released corruption convicts in September. The prisoners were released, but still bear certain requirements that must be served.

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