JAKARTA - The Golkar Party responded to the turmoil that was hitting PPP internally after the dismissal of Suharso Monoarfa from the position of General Chair of PPP by the three parties bearing the symbol of the Kaaba.

Deputy Chairperson of the Golkar Party, Nurul Arifin, said that Golkar's relationship with PPP is harmonious so that it will not interfere with the problem that dragged Suharso's name.

"When it comes to PPP, we don't want to interfere with internal problems," said Nurul at the parliament complex, Senayan, Jakarta, Tuesday, September 6.

Nurul ensured that KIB remained solid even though the general chairman position of one of the coalition members changed parties.

He even said that Muhamad Mardiono was asked to become Plt. The general chairman of PPP shifting Suharso was one of the initiators of KIB.

"We will wait, but that Plt is now one of the initiators of KIB," he said.

Nurul hopes that the problems faced by PPP will be resolved quickly so that they can return with Golkar and PAN in KIB to face the 2024 election strategy. He also reiterated that the solidity of KIB is maintained.

"If we think positively, yes, because coalition parties are needed everywhere, we just have to see, we hope that KIB will continue to be solid," said Nurul.

Whatever PPP and Suharso Monoarfa face, Nurul emphasized that Golkar still respects the settlement between the two parties in conflict.

"With Mr. Monoarfa, his whereabouts are still valued as a former person or general chairman," he said.

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