JAYAWIJAYA - Jayawijaya Resort Police personnel, the Papuan Police detained 10 cars and their drivers for allegedly hoarding subsidized fuel oil (BBM). Jayawijaya Police Chief AKBP Hesman Napitupulu said the vehicle was detained while queuing for subsidy fuel at the Lasminingsih Premium Oil and Solar (APMS) Agency, Jalan Hom-Hom. "We managed to secure 10 units of four-wheeled vehicles that have undergone tank modification and one motorcycle. The vehicle has been taken to the Resort Police for investigation," he said in Wamena, Antara, Tuesday, September 6. The vehicles are suspected of filling up fuel at affordable prices in APMS and then being taken out for sale again at a higher price. "We will take firm action against subsidized fuel hoarders because in addition to harming the state, it is also detrimental to the people of Jayawijaya," he said. This raid led by the Head of Traffic at the Jayawijaya Police, Ipda Ihlas, involved the Wamena Subdenpom Personnel. Based on observations, after the government raised the price of fuel, the number of vehicles queuing in APMS increased. Previously, the Jayawijaya Police had alerted personnel in all APMS to anticipate unlawful acts carried out by the community in response to the increase in fuel in force in the country.

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