TANGERANG - Police have arrested four perpetrators suspected of hoarding Pertalite-type fuel oil (BBM). The 4 people had the initials R, RI, JW, and PR.

The Tangerang Police Chief, Commissioner Raden Romdhon Natakusuma, said the four perpetrators carried out in three different locations, such as Munjul Village, Solear Village, Melar Sari Village, Rajeg and Cisasungkan Village, Solear, Tangerang Regency.

It is known that in recent times the community has been shocked by the issue of increasing Subsidized fuel. Many drivers are even willing to queue for hours to get the fuel oil.

"Their mode is to transport subsidized fuel by genre, there is also to modify vehicles to transport Pertalite fuel at gas stations and sell retail at prices above the market", said Raden to reporters at the Tangerang Regency Police, Friday, September 2.

Raden admitted that at this time his party had secured evidence of fuel weighing 2.5 tons of Pertalite.

"Everything is stored and buried in large jerry cans. We secure it for fuel of 2.5 tons of Pertalite type and other means", he said.

Now the 4 perpetrators must be held accountable for their actions by being charged with Article 55 of the Republic of Indonesia Law number 22 of 2021 concerning Oil and Gas with a maximum imprisonment of six years.

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