SURABAYA - A resident of Lamongan Regency, East Java, is reportedly a suspect of monkeypox or Monkeypox. These citizens do not travel from abroad.

"One suspect was found, we got the report," said Head of the East Java Health Service, Erwin Astha Triyono, in Surabaya on Tuesday, August 30.

According to Erwin, the report of one suspect was received from the Lamongan Health Service. The suspect has just been checked or tested.

Erwin said the suspect patient did not travel abroad, based on the travel history, the suspect was only in Lamongan.

"He's not from anywhere, nor from abroad," he said.

After further tests were carried out, said Erwin, one person who was originally a suspect was declared negative for Monkeypox. However, the East Java Health Office still requires suspects to self-isolate. "Monkeypox doesn't need a negative pressure isolation room. Self-isolation is enough," he said.

Kadinkes asked East Java residents who have symptoms of smallpox to immediately go to the nearest health facility. To detect the presence of Monkeypox, a PCR test is mandatory.

"The PCR test is enough to detect it. If there is smallpox, go directly to the nearest health facility. Let the health facilities think about where to take the PCR test and how to handle it," he said.

Because based on research, there are quite similar symptoms between monkeypox and chickenpox. He also emphasized the importance of a Clean and Healthy Lifestyle (PHBS).

"Now what must be maximized is a clean and healthy life. The PHBS must be emphasized. Because all have potential," he said.

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