JAKARTA - The Speaker of the House of Representatives, Puan Maharani, socialized the prevention of early marriage to teenagers in Bali. This is one of the efforts to overcome stunting or fail to grow children in Indonesia.

The activity organized by the Population and Family Planning Agency (BKKBN) was held in Pecatu Traditional Village, Kuta Selaran, Badung Regency, Bali, Tuesday, August 30.

Puan was accompanied by Deputy Chairman of Commission IX of the House of Representatives Charles Honoris, Minister of Women's Empowerment and Child Protection (PPPA) I Gusti Ayu Bintang Darmawati, and Head of the Population and Family Planning Agency (BKKBN) Hasto Wardoyo.

Puan's presence at the stunting prevention socialization event from Hulu through the Genre Festival (Generation Planning) was warmly welcomed by participants, most of whom were high school students. At the event location, vaccination activities were also held for the elderly.

Disambut Badung Regent Badung Regent, I Nyoman Giri Prasta, Puan also opened the Genre Festival. There was also a gift handover to the Village Genre Ambassador which was won by 4 youths, namely Arnoldus David Candin, Luh Gede Yuniasti Widhiasih Jorareis, Ni Nyoman Nadia Ayu Paramita, and I Komang Putra Adnyana.

"What is Duta Genre's job?" asked Puan.

The Genre Ambassadors answered that they carried out socialization to youth not to have early marriages, not to have sex at a young age or have free sex, and not to use narcotics. Duta Genre also provides socialization to prospective parents to prepare physically and mentally before marriage so that their children will grow well in the future.

This is the most important thing to do, especially for young people. Because you have a life plan, it must be considered that you must be ready to be born and inner. Mentally, you must also be ready. And this is related to stunting prevention. Women must also be established so that their children are healthy, said Puan.

The first woman who served as Chair of the Indonesian House of Representatives also emphasized the importance of the first 1,000 days of child growth. Puan then called one of the Genre Ambassadors to explain the importance of socialization to young people so that they are full of preparation before getting married.

"What should young people do?" said Puan.

Luh Gede Yuniasti Widhiasih Jorareis, who is usually called Jora, revealed that one of their programs is to provide socialization at village levels to teenagers. They also have a discussion program with the bride and groom.

"What is stunting so that prospective parents can understand and take precautions," said Jora.

Puan also explained the characteristics of stunting to the event participants. He then invited several teenagers to come up on stage to answer his questions. The participants of the event were scrambling forward to get prizes.

"The question is very difficult, like a working meeting in the DPR," joked Puan, greeted by laughter from the audience.

Puan asked I Kadek Arya Yudha Saputra, a student of SMK 2 South Kuta regarding the age limit of marriage for women and men. Arya was also able to answer well that women should not marry and have children before the age of 21, and for 25 years old men.

To Arya, Puan welcomes him if he has a question.

"What does Mrs. Puan, the Speaker of the House of Representatives do?", said Arya, greeted with laughter from Puan and the participants who attended.

Puan then explained the duties of the DPR, including supervising the Government's work program as it was done today.

"You're really confident huh? Those are a lot of your friends who shouted your name. Are you famous for being handsome at school? said Puan.

"The important thing is that first, ma'am," said Arya, who again made a lively atmosphere.

Puan also revealed how happy she was at this event. He praised the enthusiasm of young people who he thought would be a superior human resource (HR) in the future.

The spirit of you guys makes you happy. Indonesia must move forward with mutual cooperation, including with you young people. Because it is you who can decide what Indonesia wants to be like. If you want to come forward, or just like now," said Puan.

You Gen Z, if the alphabet is in the last letter. I actually see that Gen Z is the starting point for Indonesia's glory, yes, through teenagers who will follow the times. Because you are a golden generation who is really prepared to be great, intelligent and can bring the name of Indonesia to smell good," continued the former Coordinating Minister for Human Development and Culture.

Puan also praised the Balinese youths who were good at speaking in public. Moreover, they can appear with quite high confidence.

"You can become a campaign interpreter later in 2024," joked Puan again.

To the BKKBN, the grandson of the Proclaimer of the Republic of Indonesia Bung Karno hopes that the socialization of Genre will be carried out until they enter schools and campuses. That way, the next generation of the nation can understand various things related to preventing stunting, including not getting married at a young age.

I ask for socialization to high school children and on campuses. Because they will be our next golden generation," he urged.

Meanwhile, the Head of BKKBN Hasto Wardoyo revealed that it is very important for young people to know information on stunting prevention. Because the current young group will give birth to the nation's next generation of children.

Adiks can prevent stunting. It's time for the young to plan. And Badung is the area with the lowest stunting in Indonesia. The national average is 24 percent for stunting, here it's only 8 percent. So we thank the Regent and Governor because Bali has set an example at the national level, "said Hasto.

When the opening of the Genre Festival was over, Puan then greeted the participants of the event. Many high school students who attended also talked to Puan.

Not a few teenagers participated in the event surrounding Puan. They asked for a selfie with Puan before leaving the event location.

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