JAKARTA - For the first time, Ferdy Sambo was seen wearing a prisoner's shirt. His face looked cold without smiling at all.

Sambo's sighting was seen during the reconstruction of the murder scene of Joshua Hutabarat or Brigadier J at his private home on Jalan Saguling, Mining Complex, Duren Tiga, South Jakarta on Tuesday, August 30.

Sambo stood in front of his private house. His hands were wrapped in plastic handcuffs. His chest was bent with his head held high and stepped in for the post-murder reconstruction of Brigadier J in Saguling as many as 35 scenes. His face was flat.

However, before undergoing reconstruction, Ferdy Sambo turned out to be smiling.

Mimik ex Kadiv Propam Polri was different when he sat in one of the rooms in his private house on Jalan Saguling. Ferdy Sambo seemed to smile when he was approached by Arman Hanis, his wife's attorney, Putri Candrawati.

In that room, the two of them briefly chatted and were closely guarded by members of the Brimob Police in full uniform.

The reconstruction in Saguling was held, after the scene of the incident in Magelang was carried out in the hall of Ferdy Sambo's private house on the same day.

Director of General Crimes at the Criminal Investigation Unit of the National Police Brigadier General Andi Rian Djajadi said 78 scenes would be reconstructed by the suspects in this case from the scene in Magelang-House Jalan Saguling-housing in Duren Tiga.

The five suspects are Richard mulai alias Bharada E, Ricky Rizal alias Bripka RR, Strong Maruf, Ferdy Sambo and his wife, Putri Candrawati.

In this reconstruction, Bharada E was escorted by the Witness and Victim Protection Agency (LPSK). Security is applied because of the justice collaborator status which was intercepted by Bharada E.

This reconstruction will also be monitored directly by the National Human Rights Commission (Komnas HAM) to ensure that its implementation runs transparently and accountably according to the order of the National Police Chief.

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