JAKARTA - The suspect in the premeditated murder, Bharada Richard totaling alias Bharada E, was exchanged for a replacement role. To be precise, when he suspected the scene that brought him together with Inspector General Ferdy Sambo. According to VOI monitoring, the scene began when Sambo called Bripka Ricky Rizal alias RR at his private house on Jalan Saguling, South Jakarta. Then, it appears that Sambo is talking to Bripka RR. However, it is not known exactly what the two were talking about. Then, Bripka RR demonstrated the scene of leaving the house to call Bharada E. He was said to have been asked to meet Sambo on the third floor. At that time, age and Bharada E were replaced with other figures. Both of them also demonstrated age and talked. The Head of the Public Relations Division of the National Police, Inspector General Dedi Prasetyo, who was confirmed about Bharada E who was replaced, also confirmed it. The step was taken at the request of the Witness and Victim Protection Agency (LPSK) because of the status of Justice Collaborator. "Information from such investigators is at the request of LPSK," said Dedi. The reconstruction of the murder case of Brigadier J turned out to take place in three locations. In total, there are 78 scenes that will be restructured by the suspects, including Inspector General Ferdy Sambo.

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