JAKARTA - The former Head of the Propam Police Division, Inspector General Ferdy Sambo, appealed the dishonorable dismissal decision (PTDH) at the Police Code of Ethics Commission. However, the National Police stated that until now they had not received the memorandum of appeal. "Not yet (received the appeal memorandum, ed) until this afternoon," said Head of the Public Relations Division of the National Police Inspector General Dedi Prasetyo to VOI, Monday, August 29. However, Ferdy Sambo still has time to submit a memorandum of appeal to the Police Legal Division. Because, in the rules it is recorded that every violator has about 21 working days from the decision to be issued. "Until 21 days it will be processed," said Dedi. Inspector General Ferdy Sambo was dishonorably dismissed from the National Police. The former Head of the Propam Police Division was found guilty of violating the professional code of ethics of members of the police as stated in the decision of the Police Code of Ethics Commission (KKEP). “ Disrespectful dismissal as a member of the National Police,” said Kabaintelkam Komjen Ahmad Dofir reading the verdict of the ethics commission trial of Inspector General Ferdy Sambo at the National Police Headquarters, Jakarta, Friday, August 26 in the morning. In the ethics commission trial, there were dozens of witnesses who were presented, including Brigadier General Hendra Kurniawan, Brigadier General Benny Ali, Kombes Agus Nurpatria, Kombes Susanto, and Kombes Budhi Herdi. Other witnesses, AKBP Ridwan Soplanit, AKBP Arif Rahman, AKBP Arif Cahya, Kompol Chuk Putranto, and AKP Rifaizal Samual, Bripka Ricky Rizal. There are also Strong Maruf, Bharada Richard totaled, and two witnesses outside the placement of patsus namely HN and MB. The trial of the code of ethics of Inspector General Ferdy Sambo was led by Kabaintelkam Komjen Ahmad Dofiri. However, Inspector General Ferdy Sambo filed an appeal regarding the decision of the ethics trial to dishonorably dismiss him from the Police. The appeal was conveyed by Ferdy after the decision to dismiss him was read out by the Professional Code of Ethics Commission (KKEP) team at the TNCC building at the South Jakarta Police Headquarters, Friday, August 26, early in the morning. "Please allow the Chairperson of the KKEP how we convey in the trial process, we admit all our actions and regret all the actions we have done against the Polri institution," said Ferdy Sambo. "However, please allow in accordance with Article 69 of PP Number 72 of 2022, allow us to file an appeal," he continued.

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