MEDAN - Candidate for Mayor of Medan serial number 1 Akhyar Nasution initiated the creation of a rooftop garden. The goal is to prevent flooding in the city of Medan.

"So the explanation will be that on top of our buildings, we will raise the land into a garden. "When it rains, the land will hold water so that it doesn't immediately go down into the ditch, drainage because its function is to hold water," said Akhyar Nasution in the Medan Pilkada debate broadcast on YouTube KPU Medan, Saturday, November 21.

According to Akhyar Nasution, the roof garden or rooftop garden is water retention from rainfall. Its function is to queue up the flow of water into the drainage or ditch.

"It is a retention for queuing water (so that) it does not immediately enter the ditch so that the limited volume of the trench can cover it. So the water from the entrance to the ditch first he flows, after an hour or two later the water (which) is held back by the rooftop garden does he come down. So that it doesn't overflow into a flood, ”said Akhyar who is paired with Salman Alfarisi in the Medan Regional Election.

According to Akhyar, rooftop gardens are very potential because Medan has many multi-storey buildings. The rooftop garden is also called as well as adding to the green open space.

"I have practiced it in my own house then at Millenium Plaza, this is a green city that we build together," said Akhyar Nasution.

Akhyar's explanation was responded to by candidate number 2 for the mayor of Medan, Bobby Nasution. According to him, the concept of a rooftop garden as a flood prevention is not right. According to him, the roof garden is suitable for reducing pollution.

"About flooding (with) a rooftop (garden), (if) We focus on drainage, first cleaning up the sediment." Not just talking rooftops, flying gardens in principle reduce pollution, not flooding. If the absorption is more to biopores. Our opinion is rooftop (garden) for pollution, not flooding, ”said Bobby Nasution.

Akhyar Nasution responded to Bobby's response. According to Akhyar, the rooftop garden functions to prevent flooding.

"So the rooftop, the drainage continues to function, it flows (water). A temporary retaining rooftop queues for water, this is a new innovation that we will play with to reduce the potential for flooding, "said Akhyar.

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