MEDAN - Candidate for Mayor of Medan serial number 1 Akhyar Nasution is proud of the progress of Medan City in the last 4 years. The growth of Medan City called Akhyar is very good.

“Medan is a metropolitan city, the third largest city in Indonesia. Communities side by side, respect. Medan is a multicultural city, various religions, ethnic groups all live side by side. Investments grow and develop, towering buildings grow in Medan, ”said Akhyar Nasution, opening the Medan Pilkada debate broadcast on YouTube KPU Medan, Saturday, November 21.

Akhyar, who was once the deputy mayor and acting mayor of Medan, said that the life expectancy of Medan residents has increased to 72 years. Akhyar's human development index is already above 80.

"This means that the city of Medan continues to grow and develop. Medan City currently has digital services for the community, the service has been standardized to ISO 9001, this is no joke. Many have been done for 4 years, 833 roads, dibetulin, 450 drainage sections fixed. There were 1,170 houses repaired during the house renovation, "said Akhyar.

Meanwhile, the deputy mayor of Medan Salman Alfarisi mentioned the concept of a friendly public service space. Good for children, pregnant women are also disability friendly.

"Come with us, Akhyar-Salman to build the city of Medan," said the PKS official.

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