JAKARTA - The Regional Office of the Directorate General of Treasury (DJPb) of the Ministry of Finance noted that the value of the 2022 Village Fund budget distribution in East Nusa Tenggara (NTT) as of August 19 reached Rp1.8 trillion.

"The value of the Village Fund distributed in NTT reached 67.17 percent of the total allocation of Rp. 2.8 trillion," said Head of the NTT DJPb Regional Office, Catur Ariyanto Widodo, in a statement received in Kupang, Sunday.

He said this was related to the development of the 2022 Village Fund budget distribution in NTT.

Catur explained that the value of the Village Fund distributed was Rp. 1.8 trillion, consisting of Village Cash Assistance (BLT) of Rp. 773.2 billion or about 1.8 million Beneficiary Families (KPM) spread over 3,026 villages.

Meanwhile, the distribution of Village Funds for needs outside of BLT was recorded at Rp1.11 trillion.

The current distribution of non-BLT Village Funds, he said, was in the process of distributing phase II with the last deadline for submitting phase II requirements documents to the State Treasury Service Office (KPPN) on August 24, 2022.

Of the total 3,026 villages throughout NTT, there are still 649 villages that have not submitted the Village Fund distribution documents to the KPPN.

He said, to avoid the existence of Phase II Non-BLT Village Funds that were not disbursed, his party together with the KPPN in the scope of the NTT Province continued to actively coordinate with local governments in their respective working areas to encourage the distribution of non-BLT Village Funds to be distributed on time.

"We hope that the distribution of village funds for phase II in NTT Province can be completed before the deadline of August 24, 2022," he said.

Catur emphasized that the Village Fund is part of Transfers to Regions and Village Funds (TKD), namely funds sourced from the APBN which are used to finance government administration, development implementation, community development, and community empowerment.

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