JAKARTA - The Malaysian government from September 1 will implement a one-stop-shop that requires all foreign workers to obtain approval from the Peninsular Malaysia Manpower Office (JTKSM) to be able to work in the country.

The policy, according to Malaysian Human Resources Minister M Saravanan, applies to all foreign workers, both professional and non-professional.

"Previously, there were several agencies that could bring foreign workers into Malaysia. Now, it's not allowed anymore. So now it's not allowed anymore," he explained in Kuala Lumpur, Antara, Friday, August 19.

With the amendment to the 1955 Manpower Law, other government agencies cannot include foreign workers without the approval of the Director General of JTKSM.

The Malaysian government has created a one-door system and will use the new mechanism to distinguish foreign workers from entering legally or not.

Taking into account the development of technology 4.0, the use of new tools will lead to changes in the effort to create the one-door system, said Saravanan, in a discussion discussing the issue of foreign workers in Malaysia followed online.

In addition, the Malaysian government will also monitor the payment of wages for foreign workers in the country. Thus, payment of wages that are late or have not been paid to foreign workers can be monitored.

In the discussion, Saravanan also mentioned the importance of conducting research and development to be able to release dependence on foreign human resources.

The issue of human resource needs in each sector, he said, must be identified early so that the problem can be solved holistically.

He mentioned five sectors in Malaysia that mostly use foreign workers, namely agriculture, manufacturing, construction, plantations, and services.

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