SEMARANG - Police corps in the Central Java region beat the drums loudly to combat gambling. Central Java Police Chief, Inspector General of Police Ahmad Luthfi instructed his staff to be very firm in eradicating gambling.

This was conveyed by him when giving directions to all PJUs and the Head of the Resort Police after attending a video conference of the Chief of Police on Thursday afternoon, August 18.

"Nationally, the National Police Chief has ordered strict action against gambling. The Central Java Police are ready to carry out the National Police Chief's instructions," said Central Java Police Chief Inspector General Ahmad Luthfi in a written statement, Thursday night, August 18.

For this reason, the Regional Police Chief asked for a commitment from all levels to take firm action against all forms of gambling.

He also gave a stern warning to all gamblers to stop this habit. The reason is that the Central Java Police will not indiscriminately and are ready to take firm action against any perpetrators of gambling crimes.

"This is a warning. If it is still open, it will be closed immediately. The police will not be indiscriminate," he continued

As a concrete step, the Regional Police Chief ordered the ranks to increase patrols to eradicate gambling. The implementation of the eradication of gambling is carried out every day and the results must be reported in stages to the leadership.

"With the leading sector, the Director of Criminal Investigation and the Director of Criminal Investigation will immediately strengthen the action against gambling. Carry out operations. And this is to be followed by all ranks of Criminal Investigation at the Resort Police level," said the Regional Police Chief.

Internally, he also gave a warning to the Kasatwil that he would not hesitate to replace the Police Chief who was less strict in taking action against gambling.

"There are still many reserve players lining up to be the Chief of Police," said the Regional Police Chief.

Furthermore, he appealed to a number of people who still like to gamble to stop their habit.

"Thankfully, before being acted upon, he was aware," he said.

Strict action, said the Regional Police Chief, will also be carried out on other criminal acts such as illegal fuel and illegal mining.

So that the eradication of gambling can be carried out completely, the Regional Police Chief openly asks for the participation of the community. Every member of the community is asked to report any criminal activity including gambling in their area.

"Please report to the police, it will be followed up later," he said

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