SURABAYA - Three pilgrims from East Java were detained in the Holy Land due to illness. Now the three pilgrims are still undergoing treatment at the Saudi Arabian Hospital (RSAS) in the Holy Land.

"All the pilgrims from East Java have returned to Indonesia, but there are three pilgrims who have not been able to go home because of illness, namely pilgrims from Tulungagung, Pamekasan, and the City of Surabaya," said Secretary of the Debarkation Ibarah Hajj Committee (PPIH) for Surabaya Debark, Abdul Haris, confirmed, Tuesday, August 16.

In addition to sick pilgrims, there are 24 pilgrims who cannot return to Indonesia, because they have died and were buried in Saudi Arabia. Seven of them died before pre-Armuzna. Armuzna stands for Arafah, Muzdalifah and Mina.

"These three places are the peak of the pilgrimage," he said.

Then there are five deaths during Armuzna, and 11 deaths after Armuzna. Meanwhile, one person who died is still being recorded. "Because the congregation who died was sick, they were treated at the RSAS," he said.

The PPIH Debarkation Surabaya also noted that in the first batch, in batches 1 to 20, 36 pilgrims were confirmed positive for COVID-19. The second wave, group 21 to group 38, consisted of six people.

"In total there are 42 who are positive for COVID-19. All of the pilgrims who have been confirmed positive for COVID-19 have returned to their respective areas. However, there is one congregation of group 33 who is still being treated at the Surabaya Hajj Hospital," he said.

For your information, returning pilgrims are divided into 38 groups. The Surabaya Debarkation Hajj Dormitory has received and processed the return of 16.809 pilgrims and officers, with details of 7.807 men and 9.002 women.

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