BANDUNG - The witnesses presented by the Prosecutor of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) revealed the modes of requesting money in the alleged bribery case of the West Java Representative Office of the Supreme Audit Agency (BPK) auditor.

Mujiyono, Head of Sub-District Finance in Cibinong District, in the trial at the Bandung Corruption Court, admitted that he had been asked for money by a BPK auditor named Gerry Ginanjar Trie Rahmatullah, who is now a suspect by the KPK.

According to him, Gerry asked for Rp900 million, which is an assumption of 10 percent of the ceiling value for infrastructure works in several urban villages in Cibinong District.

"After Gerry's request, I reported it to the subdistrict head, then the subdistrict head called the lurah. Then I conveyed that there was a request from the BPK, 10 percent of the infrastructure," he said as reported by ANTARA, Monday, August 15.

Mujiyono said that at that time all the village heads objected to the BPK's request, because of the poor financial condition. The lurah even admitted that they were ready to be audited openly by the BPK auditor regarding all reports on infrastructure work.

"Let alone covering Rp900 million, to deal with COVID-19, residents who are exposed to it are confused. Gerry still asks for money between five percent and 10 percent. I convey that the village heads are ready to be examined by the BPK. The village heads are not afraid," said Mujiyono.

Another witness, Achmad Wildan, Head of Budget Division at the Bogor Regency BPKAD, admitted that he had been asked for money on the grounds of typing fees by a BPK auditor named Hendra Nur Rahmatullah, who is now also a suspect by BPK.

At that time, Wildan had wanted to give cash worth Rp. 5 million, but Hendra refused on the grounds that the nominal was too small.

"I gave it initially Rp. 5 million, but Hendra refused. It was added again because two people, he said, with Mr. Amir (a BPK employee). Finally, another Rp. 5 million was added," said Wildan.

Meanwhile, Rieke Iskandar, Secretary of the Bogor Regency Indonesian National Sports Committee (KONI), admitted to giving money to the defendant Ihsan Ayatullah, Head of Sub-Division of Kasda BPKAD Bogor Regency because Ihsan was asked for money by the BPK auditor.

"There were no findings at KONI. Ihsan asked for help, the language on his phone he needed money for the BPK, could you help not Rp. 150 million. So I gave Rp. 50 million," said Rieke.

Ihsan Ayatullah when asked for a response by the panel of judges chaired by Hera Kartiningsih, said that he was used by a BPK auditor named Hendra to ask for money from a number of Bogor Regency Government employees.

He also emphasized that the withdrawals he made to district government employees and businessmen were not based on orders from the defendant, the inactive Regent Ade Yasin or former Regent Rachmat Yasin.

"I did this without AY and RY's request. I always tell the SKPD to meet the BPK directly. Brother Hendra often uses me to ask the SKPD for money," said Ihsan.

Previously, Ade Yasin and three Bogor Regency Government employees were accused by the KPK prosecutors of giving bribes of Rp. 1.9 billion to win the title of unqualified opinion (WTP).

KPK prosecutor Budiman Abdul Karib said the bribes were given to four BPK employees who have also become suspects in the case.

"So it is seen as an act of continuing to give or promise something, namely giving money in the total amount of Rp. 1,935,000,000 to civil servants or state officials," said Budiman.

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