JAKARTA - The chairman of the PDIP Bappilu Bambang Wuryanto or Bambang Pacul did not talk much about the certainty that Gerindra will carry Prabowo Subianto as a presidential candidate in 2024. The point is that every political party respects each other.

"Gerindra conducts rapim monggo, that's Gerindra's authority. What is the response? What is the response? There's nothing to respond to. It's people's households. Households of other nations' children," said Bambang Pacul, Friday, August 12.

The chairman of the PDIP faction in the DPR assessed that there was nothing strange about the proposals and support of Gerindra cadres at Rapimnas. Including, wanting Prabowo to run for the third time as a presidential candidate.

"That the meeting wants to talk about the president, how about campaigning, please. Same with our place, okay?," he said.

In fact, Pacul believes, Gerindra will also not comment on the activities and decisions made by PDIP.

"I am in the same PDI-P, one day if we have an event, I am sure that Gerindra will not comment on strange things," he said.

Therefore, the chairman of Commission III of the DPR invites all children of the nation to respect the decisions of other political parties and keep positive thinking.

"Let us fellow children of the nation respect each other, not think negatively," said Bambang Pacul.

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