JAKARTA - Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal, and Security Affairs, Mahfud MD, stated that superior human resources (HR) are the main key to making Indonesia into the top five economies in the world.

“The program for that, yes, completes stunting. That's because no matter how much we have everything, but weak human resources, it won't work (to the top five)", said Mahfud MD at the Proud Kencana Program Review Meeting and the Acceleration of Stunting Reduction, reported by ANTARA, Thursday, August 11.

Mahfud emphasized that the Stunting Reduction Acceleration program is one of the most important programs in human development that is globally competitive by the country's vision to realize a Golden Indonesia in 2045.

Thus, every quality of the population must be formed before the child is born to become a quality generation that is ready to fill the moment of global competition in the future. Apart from being by the government's vision, based on several studies, Mahfud stated that Indonesia has been projected to join the five countries with the largest economic power in the world by 2045.

"In 2045 we will become a developed country, with our projection that we will become the fourth largest economic power in the world and become the third largest democracy in the world", said Mahfud.

Therefore, all potentials, both human resources and natural resource management up to the activity budget, must be prepared to support development downstream.

According to him, the steps taken by the National Population and Family Planning Agency (BKKBN) through the Proud Kencana program have been very strategic to oversee the acceleration of the formation of a quality Indonesian generation.

However, Bangga Kencana must be able to ensure that every activity carried out can have a positive impact or influence on the community, including program accountability carried out by all levels down to the regions.

Mahfud said that the government had made many programs to improve the country's development. The other programs mentioned are programs to reduce extreme poverty and control infectious diseases.

All programs are focused on building a nation that has healthy, advanced, globally competitive, and productive families.

"So (overcoming) stunting is part of creating a responsible generation, safeguarding Indonesia's future", he said.

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