NTB - The Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics Agency (BMKG) reported that as many as eight regencies/cities in West Nusa Tenggara (NTB) Province were on drought alert status due to the entry of the 2022 dry season.

"Meteorological drought alert status occurs in East Lombok, Central Lombok, North Lombok, Sumbawa, West Sumbawa, Bima, Dompu, and Bima City," said BMKG Forecaster for West Nusa Tenggara Climatology Station, Dewo Adi Sulistio W in a written statement, Thursday, August 11.

For drought alert status in East Lombok Regency, namely, Sambelia, Montong Gading, Masbagik, Jerowaru, and West Sakra Districts. Then in Central Lombok Regency, namely Janapria District and North Lombok Regency, Winner District.

Meanwhile, in Sumbawa Regency, the sub-districts are Buer, Moyo Hilir, Lape, Moyo Hulu, Plampang, Lape, North Moyo, Moyo Hilir, Unter Iwes, Empang and Labangka. Furthermore, in West Sumbawa Regency, namely Taliwang, Jereweh, Maluk and Sekongkang Districts. Dompu Regency is the District of Dompu, Kempo, Mangolewa, Pajo, Kilo.

"Meanwhile, the alert status in Bima Regency is Sape, Lambu, Belo, Bolo, Lambitu, Madapangga Monta, Palibelo, Soromandi, Wawo Districts, and Bima City District, Raba and Rasanae Timur Districts," he said, according to Antara.

Meanwhile, for the alert status of a drought disaster in East Lombok Regency, namely Aikmel District, North Lombok Regency, namely District. Bayan, Gangga, Kayangan, Tanjung, Sumbawa Regency are Alas, Utan District, West Sumbawa Regency are Poto Tano and Seteluk Districts and Bima District is Donggo, Langgudu and Sanggar Districts.

"In addition, there is an alert level in Sumbawa Regency, namely Labuhan Badas District, and Bima Regency, namely Woha District," he said.

For this reason, the BMKG stated, entering the peak period of the 2022 dry season, the community needs to be aware of the occurrence of drought disasters, forest, and land fires, to cold temperatures that can interfere with daily activities.

However, the public also needs to be aware of the potential for local extreme weather such as sudden strong winds and rain.

"The public is also advised to be able to anticipate the potential for drought by making water reservoirs, especially in vulnerable areas," he said.

The latest Atmospheric Dynamics condition shows that the ENSO Index is in a Weak La Nina condition (ENSO index: -0.69). BMKG predicts Neutral ENSO will last until December-January-February 2023. The IOD index of the month at the end of July 2022 shows a Negative IOD condition and BMKG predicts that IOD conditions will tend to be negative until December 2022.

The flow of air masses in Indonesia is dominated by easterly winds, especially in the southern part of Indonesia, including NTB. The East Wind is predicted to remain active until October 2022. The movement of the MJO is currently observed to be inactive in Indonesian territory and is estimated to be inactive until early August 2022.

"The prediction of the OLR anomaly spatially shows the potential for cloud growth in most parts of Indonesia, especially in the southern part of the equator until the second half of August 2022. The average sea surface temperature anomaly around the NTB area is currently in the warm category which is predicted to strengthen until October 2022," he said.

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