KUPANG - The Education Office of Kupang City, East Nusa Tenggara Province said 150 children who are still attending early childhood education (PAUD) in this area are included in the category of children who experience stunting.

"According to the results of data collection conducted by the Kupang City Education Office, there are currently 150 PAUD children who are categorized as children suffering from stunting", said the Head of the Kupang City Education Office, Dumuliahi Djami in Kupang, Antara, Tuesday, August 9.

He mentioned that some time ago the Education Office identified 294 PAUD institutions in Kupang City and found that 150 children were stunted. Of the 150 children who suffer from stunting, there are PAUD educational institutions spread across six sub-districts in Kupang City.

He mentioned that there are 96 PAUD children in the Alak sub-district, 21 in Kelapa Lima district, 14 in the Kota Lama sub-district, and Maulafa and Kota Raja sub-districts each have three PAUD children.

Dumuliahi Djami said the number of early childhood education children experiencing stunting in the Oebobo District reached 13 children.

According to him, the Education Office is not limited to collecting data on PAUD children who experience stunting but also intervenes through socialization from the school to parents regarding the independence of mentoring children who experience stunting for the next 1,000 days.

In addition, he said, monthly supplementary feeding was carried out for PAUD children as well as early detection of child growth and development through regular health checks at schools.

"In the health check, which is carried out every six months, the child's weight and height are measured independently by health workers from the local health center", said Dumuliahi Djami.

He explained that the school routinely informs parents of the nutritional status of children after the Puskesmas examines PAUD children. He hopes that parents of students from various educational institutions in the area will pay serious attention to the nutritional needs of children early on so as not to experience malnutrition and suffer from stunting.

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