SURABAYA - The further trial of the female student (Santriwati) molestation case with the defendant Mochamad Subchi Azal Tsani alias Bechi will be held offline starting next week. In this interim trial, the Surabaya District Court (PN) Panel of Judges decided to reject the exception from the attorney for the defendant Bechi.

"Judging, stating that the objection note from the prosecutor Mas Bechi is unacceptable. Stating that the indictment letter from the prosecutor against Bechi is valid according to law, the settlement of the case for the defendant Mochamad Subchi Azal Tsani (MSAT) alias Mas Bechi continues. The trial on Monday, August 15 next week will be held offline", said the Chief Justice of the Surabaya District Court, Sutrisno, while reading the interlocutory decision, at the Surabaya District Court, Monday, August 8.

The coordinator of the Pidum of the East Java Prosecutor's Office, Endang Tirtana, said there were four points mentioned by the Panel of Judges in the trial. First, objections to exceptions from the defendant and legal counsel were not accepted.

"Secondly, the indictment is declared valid and can be used for further examination. The third examination of Subchi can be continued and the fourth case fees will be suspended until the judge's decision", she said.

Not only that, but Tirta also stated that he did not have a problem with the decision between the Panel of Judges which decided that the trial was carried out offline.

According to her, the offline trial will more clearly reveal the case clearly.

"If the defendant is offline at the trial venue, I don't think there will be a problem, it will be clearer later", she said.

Next week's hearing will be a witness examination. Her party will provide special protection for the victims so that they do not experience trauma when they meet Bechi.

"Later we will have special treatment for witnesses, there will be assistance, previously there has been from a psychologist", she said.

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