JAKARTA - The team of lawyers Richard Eliezir Pudihang Lumiu alias Bharada E said there were other perpetrators who participated in shooting Brigadier J. Bharada E who claimed to be only the first shooter.

The information was based on Bharada E's statement during the examination process or the Examination Report (BAP).

"The first shot was Bharada E, then there were other perpetrators," said Bharada E's lawyer, M. Boerhanuddin when confirmed, Monday, August 8.

However, it is not clearly explained who the person who took part in shooting Brigadier J.

Boerhanuddin only emphasized that in the bloody incident that killed Brigadier J, more than one shooter was involved.

"Those who shoot more than one, there is no shooting," said Boerhanuddin.

In this case, the National Police team has named two suspects. They were Richard Eliezir Pudihang Lumiu or Bharada E and Brigadier Ricky Rizal.

Then, in this case the National Police Chief has also taken firm steps. The Special Inspectorate Team (irsus) formed has examined 25 Polri personnel regarding allegations of unprofessionalism in handling the case of Brigadier J's death that occurred at Inspector General Fedy Sambo's halfway house.

Of the dozens of personnel, three of them are one-star generals. Then, four of them have also been sent to a special place (patsus).

Most recently, Inspector General Ferdy Sambo was also secured to the Mobile Brigade Headquarters Kelapa Dua, Depok. He was indicated to be involved in a series of cases involving the murder of Brigadier J.

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