JAKARTA - Commission I of the House of Representatives asked the government to provide maximum protection for 300 Indonesian citizens (WNI) in Taiwan. Along with increasing tensions with China after the visit of the Speaker of the United States House of Representatives, Nancy Pelosi.

"I want to ensure that the government focuses on providing maximum protection for at least 300 thousand Indonesian citizens in Taiwan, consisting of migrant workers and others who have not been recorded such as crew members and workers in other sectors," said Member of Commission I of the Indonesian House of Representatives Christina Aryani, Saturday, August 6th.

Christina explained, there are about 237,000 Indonesian migrant workers whose locations are scattered in various municipalities in Taiwan. In addition, he said, in Taiwan there are also many "letter of guarantee" (ABK LG) crews who depart without using the PMI shipping scheme.

"They are not recorded, so we do not know their whereabouts at this time. So of course it is crucial to finalize contingency efforts from now on to anticipate situations like this as well," he said.

For that, Christina reminded the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to finalize a contingency plan to anticipate developments or dynamics in Taiwan.

This step, according to him, is very important because there are several factors that are different from other countries. That is, the Indonesian representative in Taiwan is a non-diplomatic institution with a limited number of personnel.

Therefore, the Golkar politician believes that the Indonesian government needs to prepare a scenario for the protection of Indonesian citizens as early as possible. This is necessary to take evacuation steps in certain situations so that later it can run well.

"Of course the protection of Indonesian citizens is the focus of our attention, moreover the fantastic number of three hundred thousand is not a small amount. So finalizing contingency plans must definitely be done," said Christina.

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