JAKARTA - At least three rockets were fired at the capital of Eritrea from Ethiopia on Saturday night, five regional diplomats said.

The shelling represents a major escalation of an 11-day conflict that has fueled hostility between Ethiopian federal forces against local forces in the northern Tigray region.

At least two rockets hit Asmara airport, three diplomats said. With communications largely cut off on Tigray and Eritrea, according to Antara, Reuters was unable to independently confirm the attacks. Officials on both parties could not be reached.

Tigray's leader, Debretsion Gebremichael, said on Tuesday that Eritrea had sent troops across the border to support Ethiopian government forces but provided no evidence.

Eritrea's Foreign Minister Osman Saleh Mohammed denied Gebreminchael's words at the time. He told Reuters: "We are not part of that conflict."

Eritrea and Ethiopia signed a peace deal two years ago, but Isaias Afwerki's government in Asmara remains hostile to Tigray's leadership after his role in the devastating 1998-2000 war.

On Friday night rockets were fired at two airports in Ethiopia's Amhara state, which has sent troops to Tigray to support Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed.

The shooting was said by Tigray's ruling party in retaliation for government air raids on their territory.

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