JAKARTA - The results of the PCR swab test on 48 pilgrims from the Batam Debarkation Group 3 Hajj were all tested negative for COVID-19.

"None of the group 3 tested positive. All 48 pilgrims tested negative yesterday. God willing, they can return to their hometowns today," said Head of Health PPIH Debarkation Hang Nadim Batam, Achmad Farchanny, quoted from Antara, Friday, July 29.

Previously, at the arrival of the pilgrim group 3 on Thursday (28/7), there were 48 people with reactive antigen results and followed by taking the PCR swab test.

Meanwhile, Head of Information and Public Relations of PPIH Debarkation Hang Nadim Batam, Abu Sufyan said all pilgrims can return to West Kalimantan by flight to Pontianak.

"Alhamdulillah, all of them are negative and all of them can be dispatched to their hometowns today. There are 3 flights to Pontianak to bring pilgrims," he said.

Until now, as many as two pilgrims are in quarantine at the Batam Hajj Dormitory.

"God willing, our patients will be treated optimally according to the treatment protocol in quarantine, and the patients are in good health, Alhamdulillah," said Abu.

A total of 445 hajj pilgrims from Hang Nadim Batam Debarkation 3rd batch arrived at Hang Nadim International Airport on Thursday (28/7) at 12.25 WIB.

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