YOGYAKARTA - The G20 delegation at the Second Meeting of the Deputy/Echelon I Agricultural Working Group ("Second Agriculture Deputies Meeting"/ADM) in Yogyakarta participated in looking for solutions to deal with the impact of the Russia-Ukraine conflict on world food security.

"There is a shortage (of food commodities) that occurs because of the existing dynamics, so we try to discuss what the solution will be," said Secretary General of the Ministry of Agriculture Kasdi Subagyono during a press conference, after the second day of the Second Agriculture Deputies Meeting (ADM), in Yogyakarta. BETWEEN, Thursday, July 28.

According to him, the Russia-Ukraine conflict was also discussed by the G20 delegates at the Second ADM forum in Yogyakarta, considering that the two countries are suppliers of world food commodities.

"Discussed because these two countries are the world's food sources. That's right, so there is a discussion," he said.

Although there are many views regarding the conflict, according to Kasdi, Indonesia as the G20 Presidency has a position to maintain the integrity of all members.

"There are many views from all the (G20) members, but we must be able to mediate, one thing that may be important is to maintain unity," he said.

According to him, the solution discussed is not just a matter of encouraging the two countries to immediately end the conflict, but the main thing is to ensure security and open access to world food.

Therefore, according to Kasdi, the G20 Indonesian Working Group on Agriculture carries the theme "Balancing Food Production and Trade to Fulfill Food for All" which aims to reflect the G20's commitment to ensuring a safe food supply for all.

On the first day of the G20 Agriculture Deputy Forum, Indonesia voiced open access to world food.

Indonesia as the presidency gives the view that related to food there should be no state boundaries, no national boundaries.

"It has to be open," he said.

Apart from being transparent, he said, the world's food supply must be transparent and accessible to all parties, especially the G20 members.

The Second Meeting of the Agriculture Deputies Meeting (ADM) in Yogyakarta, 27-29 July 2022, discussed three priority issues in the agricultural sector which will be drafted for the G20 Ministerial Declaration of Agriculture of the Indonesian Presidency in 2022.

The meeting was attended by 157 delegates from 20 G20 member countries.

A total of 17 countries attended physically and three countries attended virtually, seven invited countries were also present, as well as 13 international organizations, both physically and virtual.

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