JAKARTA - Founder of the Ummat Amien Rais Party will again hold a further meeting with the Grand Imam of the Islamic Defenders Front (FPI) Rizieq Shihab.

According to Amien Rais loyalist, Agung Mozin, this meeting will not only discuss the issue of the Ummah Party which has just launched its logo, but will also discuss a number of other issues.

"There will be another meeting between Pak Amien and Habib Rizieq Shihab. This is being rescheduled," Agung told VOI, Thursday, November 12.

He said, this meeting was being held again because there were still several things to be discussed between the two of them. Because, at the first meeting which was held on Wednesday, November 11 yesterday, Amien could not speak freely with Rizieq considering the many guests on the occasion.

"So yesterday it was together with several people. That's why we scheduled another follow-up meeting between Habib Rizieq Shihab and Pak Amien to talk about what, right? Amien is also a figure, meaning that information from Pak Amien will later become something important. and informed Habib Rizieq. Vice versa. Information exchange, "he explained.

However, when asked about the exact schedule, Agung admitted that he could not give a definite answer. However, he confirmed, Amien will attend the wedding ceremony of Rizieq Shihab's daughter, Najwa Shihab which will be held on November 14.

Furthermore, when he was again asked about the content of this follow-up meeting, Agung was reluctant to answer any longer. He only made sure that he would not offer a structural position in the Ummah Party, which is currently still in the process of being drafted. This is because the party realizes that if this offer comes up, Rizieq will certainly refuse.

"If we offer it, we will definitely be rejected, so we don't want to offer that," he said.

In addition, Agung assessed that even if Rizieq Shihab wanted to party and join his party, it was feared that there would be mutual hurt between Islamic parties in Indonesia. "If he takes part, it will hurt the feelings of other Muslims. So HRS should be in all groups, any political party group," he said.

"Because of the efforts he is fighting for, because I think it has become a noble ideal for all Muslims who want to make this country safe, peaceful, and just," he added.

Previously, after returning to Indonesia from Saudi Arabia on Tuesday, November 10, a number of figures had indeed briefly moved closer to Rizieq Shihab's residence in Petamburan, Central Jakarta. Those who docked were DKI Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan, MUI Wasekjen Tengku Zulkarnain, Amien Rais, to high-ranking Prosperous Justice Party (PKS) officials.

Amien arrived at Rizieq Shihab's residence on Wednesday, November 11 at around 13.55 WIB. However, the meeting did not last long, because he left Rizieq's house at around 15:10 WIB.

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