JAKARTA - Inspector General Napoleon Bonaparte admitted that his actions against Muhammad Kosman alias M. Kace in the Bareskrim Detention Center cell were wrong.

"I am telling the truth. I will prove to the public that I am a general who dares to act and dares to take responsibility, not one who dares to throw his hands, hide his hands," said Napoleon during the trial of the defendant's examination at the South Jakarta District Court, Antara, Thursday, July 28.

However, the two-star general of the Police said the act of smearing dirt on M. Kace's face was for defending Islam.

Napoleon felt moved to defend the religion he believed in. According to the former Head of the International Relations Division (Kadiv Hubinter) of the National Police, the same thing will still be done to anyone who dares to insult Islam.

"I interpret my aqidah as something that belongs to me and I need to defend it if it is insulted or insulted by others," he said.

For this action, the two-star general of the police was charged with Article 170 paragraph (2) of the 1st Criminal Code or Article 170 paragraph (1) or Article 351 paragraph (1) in conjunction with Article 55 paragraph (1) of the Criminal Code and Article 351 paragraph (1) Criminal Code for assault cases.

However, Napoleon argued that the article that was suitable for ensnaring him was 352 of the Criminal Code on light persecution.

According to him, the act of smearing the dirt did not cause any physical damage to M. Kace. The post-mortem results also showed that M. Kace had no bruises on the cheeks.

"The post-mortem results say it wasn't engineered.

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