SEMARANG - Military Police Commander of Military Police Command IV/Diponegoro Colonel Rinoso Budi revealed, Kopda Muslimin, the mastermind behind the shooting of his wife, Rina Wulandari, died of poisoning.

The results were conveyed by Rinoso after the autopsy at the Bhayangkara Hospital, Semarang, Thursday, July 28.

"From the results of the internal examination, it was known that he had suffocated due to brain disease or poisoning," he said when giving a statement at the Bhayangkara Hospital in Semarang, quoted from Antara, Thursday, July 28.

However, he said, further investigations in the form of anatomical pathology and toxicology laboratory examinations were still needed to prove it.

He said a follow-up examination would take about two to four weeks.

Furthermore, he said, the body of the Muslim Kopda could be buried.

However, Rinoso could not explain the funeral process for the late Kopda Muslimin.

Kopda Muslimin is suspected of being the mastermind behind the shooting of his wife, Rina Wulandari, on July 18, 2022, in front of her house on Jalan Cemara III, Semarang City.

Muslim was found dead in his room by his father, Mustaqim.

Kopda Muslimin returned to his parents' house on Thursday morning and apologized for his mistake.

Kopda Muslimin's body was taken to the Bhayangkara Hospital in Semarang for an autopsy.

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