JAKARTA - Head of the National Unity and Polyclinic Agency (Kesbangpol) of the DKI Provincial Government, Taufan Bakri, said that his party opened the opportunity to use the National Monument (Monas) area for the 212 Reunion.

Previously, Deputy Governor of DKI Jakarta Ahmad Riza Patria emphasized that Monas could not be used for activities. Because currently Jakarta is still implementing a transitional PSBB.

Meanwhile, Taufan said that the Monas area is currently not open to the public. However, he said, the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government could still allow it with several considerations.

"Now Monas has not been opened. But, it is not impossible (to use it). It depends. We see it from many aspects," Taufan told reporters, Wednesday, November 11.

The consideration of allowing these activities, according to Taufan, would involve the Health Office in terms of the risk of transmitting COVID-19 during the pandemic.

"If permitted during a pandemic like this, crowds like worship, there will be records of what is needed, of all kinds. First, maintain health protocols. Then police assistance for security. Inviting the organizers to order, sanitizer facilities, including defecation," explained Taufan .

Until now, Taufan continued, the DKI Provincial Government has not discussed the consideration of using Monas even though a letter of application for use has been submitted.

"As soon as possible discussed," he said.

As previously reported, the leader of the Islamic Defenders Front (FPI) Muhammad Rizieq Shihab plans to use the National Monument (Monas) area for the 212 Reunion activities on December 2.

Rizieq even admitted that he had sent a letter requesting the use of Monas to the DKI Provincial Government. However, Deputy Governor of DKI, Ahmad Riza Patria, emphasized that Monas cannot be used during the transitional PSBB period.

"Until this day Monas is not allowed to be opened, related to PSBB," said Riza.

Riza admitted that she did not know that Rizieq had sent a permit to use Monas. Even so, he allowed all parties to apply for a license.

"We will check later because we do not know about the matter (application for a permit to use Monas). Indeed, all can apply for a permit, but according to the provisions we have not yet," he said.

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