BOGOR - The KPK prosecutor answered a memorandum of objection or exception to the defendant's inactive Bogor Regent, Ade Yasin, in the alleged bribery case of the Supreme Audit Agency (BPK) representative of West Java (Jabar).

"Essentially our response is to reject the exception from the defendant's attorney, because it has entered the subject matter of the case. That there are also exceptions that enter the realm of pre-trial," said KPK prosecutor Roni Yusuf, after a trial at the Bandung Tipikor District Court, in Bandung, West Java, Monday July 25.

According to him, the response to the memorandum of objection or the defendant's exception that he read answered what the defendant said. He considered the exception that was read to have entered the subject matter and entered the pretrial material.

"That if this is the case, it has been included in the indictment material. Because the exception only concerns article 156 of the Criminal Code, it does not enter the realm of trial," Yusuf said, according to Antara. the subject matter discussed in his exception because he considered the indictment of the prosecutor to be unclear and inaccurate.

"In the opening of our exception, we said that even if we touched on the subject matter of the case, the aim was to better explain providing information to judges for ambiguity, inaccuracy and incompleteness," he said.

Previously, when he read out his exception, he considered the indictment of the KPK public prosecutor to be inaccurate.

"Events that show that the prosecutor's indictment is inaccurate, unclear and incomplete. Because this is not described in the indictment, it results in the prosecutor's indictment being blurred, which results in the prosecutor's indictment being null and void," he said.

He even submitted a seven-point request to the judge on charges that he considered inaccurate, namely accepting the defendant's objection in its entirety, declaring the public prosecutor's indictment to be inaccurate, declaring the public prosecutor's indictment null and void.

Then, asking the judge to release the defendant from all charges, release the defendant from detention, restore the defendant's good name, and charge the state court fees.

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