JAKARTA – SS (30) an employee of the Offshore Environment Service (DLH) and JP (23) a crew member (ABK) became suspects in the alleged rape of a minor. Both were secured at the Tanjung Priok Harbor Police, North Jakarta.

Tanjung Priok Port Police Chief Adjunct Senior Commissioner Putu Kholis Aryana said the two suspects carried out their actions on the 2nd floor of the Makmur Jaya II Ekspress ship docked at Kali Adem Pier, Muara Angke, North Jakarta, Wednesday, July 13, at 01.00 WIB.

"We are responding quickly so we can secure the suspect," Kholis told reporters at the Tanjung Priok Port Police, North Jakarta, Wednesday, July 30.

Kholis said the victim's meeting with the perpetrator happened so instantaneously. The victim, who at that time admitted to having a problem, decided to go to the Kali Adem pier, Muara Angke. At that time the victim met with JP and SS.

"So the location is on a ship that is docked at Kali Adem Pier. (The victim) was not raped right away, but was talked to first," he said.

The victim, Putu continued, was invited to enter the ship leaning on the pier. After entering the ship, the victim was immediately executed by the perpetrators.

"The victim was led to join the ship and then carried out acts of rape and obscenity against the victim," he explained.

After the victim returned home, there was something strange about the victim's family.

"The parents took the initiative to interrogate and there was a confession from the victim. The parents reported it to the Sunda Kelapa Regional Police on Friday, July 15, until the perpetrator was finally caught," he said.

For their actions, JP and SS were charged with Article 76D in conjunction with Article 82 Paragraph 1 of the RI Law No. 35 of 2014 concerning child protection or Article 76E in conjunction with Article 82 Paragraph 1 of the 2014 RI Law on child protection.

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