MAGETAN - The TNI-AU's T50i Golden Eagle trainer aircraft with its home base at Iswahjudi Air Base, Magetan, East Java is suspected to have crashed after losing contact on Monday night.

"Please pray, the T50i Golden Eagle plane lost contact at 18.24 WIB," said Head of Information for the Iswahjudi Madiun Air Base Captain Sus Yudha Pramono, in Magetan, as reported by ANTARA, Monday, July 18.

His party does not yet know the exact conditions of the pilot and the plane, because the team is currently heading to the location where the plane crashed. The pilot of the plane was First Lieutenant (Pnb) Allan Safitra Indra.





"For now, the rescue team is gliding to the location where the plane is suspected to have crashed in the Blora area, Central Java," he said.

According to data, the plane was in a curfew flight practice.

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