LEBAK - A man from Bekasi with the initials NT (62), a suspected propagator of the sun god in Lebak Regency, Banten Province, has a mental disorder after undergoing a psychiatric examination, said Head of the Lebak Police Criminal Investigation Unit Commissioner Adjutant of Police Indik Rusmono in Lebak, Thursday, July 14.

"We advise the perpetrators to take control (check with a doctor) and take medication to a psychiatrist, in accordance with Letter Number 001/SKKJ/RSUD/VII/2022, so that it does not meet the elements of a criminal act," said Indik Rusmono in Lebak, Thursday, July 14.

Based on the results of the investigation by examining the alleged perpetrators and witnesses, Indik said that no elements of the crime of blasphemy had been found.

The police in collaboration with a psychiatric specialist conducted an examination of NT and the results showed that the person concerned indicated a psychopathological psychiatric disorder.

Psychopathological disorders or mental illnesses that appear in the form of unstable behavior and mental function and can interfere with activities of daily living. Indik explained that the results of the examination showed that NT had a wrong understanding and misguided thinking.

However, it is not included in the offense of blasphemy because there was no invitation or incitement to other parties. Indik said it was just NT's personal thoughts and beliefs.

Therefore, it is more appropriate for NT to carry out religious guidance and medical treatment related to mental disorders.

"We stopped the examination of the perpetrator because he had a mental disorder," he said.

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