SOUTH KALIMANTAN - The Banjarbaru City Government in South Kalimantan Province (Kalsel) has ensured that its territory has zero cases of foot and mouth disease (FMD) in sacrificial livestock.

Deputy Mayor of Banjarbaru Wartono hopes that the zero FMD status will make people not worry about the 2022 Eid al-Adha sacrifice.

"So far, we have not received case reports or findings of livestock, including sacrificial animals, being attacked by FMD, so it can be said that Banjarbaru City is free from animal diseases," he said in Banjarbaru, quoted from Antara, Monday, July 4.

According to him, since the emergence of FMD that attacks livestock, both cows and goats, has spread in various regions in Indonesia, his party has taken various anticipatory steps.

He said that anticipation was carried out in the form of limiting the entry of livestock, especially from areas that had been infected with FMD, so that they would not infect livestock in Banjarbaru City.

"This anticipatory measure has been carried out for a long time so that the transmission of FMD from outside the region can be prevented and so far there have been no livestock that have been infected with FMD," said Wartono.

Head of the Banjarbaru Food, Agriculture and Fisheries Security Agency, Abu Yajid Bustami, said that his party had taken anticipatory efforts by monitoring the traffic of livestock entering.

"We have monitored the traffic of livestock entering both large collectors and breeders and the results of the examination also did not find any cows or goats affected by FMD," said Abu Yajid Bustami.

He said that his party through animal health officers always conducts health checks before Eid al-Adha to further ensure the health of the sacrificial animals that will be slaughtered during the feast of sacrifice.

"We sent veterinarians and officers who will carry out physical examinations and other checks to enter, no one has been affected by FMD or other animal diseases," he said.

He said the number of sacrificial animals, both cows and goats, especially those prepared before Eid al-Adha was sufficient and the availability or safe stock exceeded the need for slaughter.

"The number of sacrificial animals is 2,300 cows and the need is 1,900 heads, while 2,300 goats are available with a need for 1,500 during Eid al-Adha, so the stock is safe," he said.

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