JAKARTA - The chairman of the PDI-P DPP Puan Maharani reminded his cadres to be diligent in visiting the community even though various surveys said the party's electability was at the top.

"Surveys always show that if PDIP takes part in the general election and it is held now, PDIP will definitely win", said Puan Maharani when giving a speech at party consolidation in Cirebon, West Java, Monday, July 4, quoted from Antara.

By continuing to diligently visit the community, according to Puan, the PDIP vote can be maintained until the 2024 General Election.

Puan said that although the results of various survey institutions showed that PDIP was the highest, this achievement had to be maintained at all times.

Because, said Puan, who is also the Chairperson of the Indonesian House of Representatives (DPR RI), when all cadres from the lowest to the national level felt comfortable, did not want to work and went to the field, their current position could be shifted.

For that, continued Puan, all must remain solid, by going directly to the field and visiting the community, so that the party will be loved by the wider community.

"But that doesn't mean because the survey results (PDIP) are high, we don't work, we're careless, we're in our comfort zone, and we don't go out into the field. For that we all need to be solid, not careless, stay excited, to survive", she said.

Puan added that the current survey must be maintained until the 2024 General Election. She emphasized that all cadres continue to move into the midst of the community.

"What kind of survey, anyone's survey, who's sponsor, God willing (PDIP will be the favorite)", she said.

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