MAKASSAR - A group of youths and teenagers made the Makassar, South Sulawesi Center Point of Indonesia (CPI) roundabout a wild racing circuit. The Transportation Agency (Dishub) warns against taking action against violators of public order.

"Illegal racing is not justified, it disturbs the peace," said Head of the Transportation Service M Arafah Palu when contacted by VOI, Saturday, October 31.

In the video circulating on social media, a group of youths is on the roadside of the CPI Makassar roundabout. There were also motorbike users who sped up their motorbikes until they fell and received applause from the audience.

The Head of the South Sulawesi Transportation Agency said that his party was in charge of regulating traffic flow in the Makassar CPI area. However, what Arafah said was in the hands of the Makassar Police Satpol PP.

"The domain (Satpol PP) of Makassar City is also with friends of the police, but we control the traffic inside," continued Arafah.

He said the police and Satpol PP must be guarding the CPI Makassar area, including the roundabout which is the arena for 'circuit' illegal racing.

Motor Circuit Was Once A Demo Material

The business of building a motorbike circuit was once demanded in a demonstration. Demonstrators on Wednesday, October 28, closing the road in front of the South Sulawesi DPRD building on Jalan Urip Sumoharjo by motorbikes voiced these aspirations.

"We need a circuit, we are not a motorcycle gang," read the banner carried by the masses.

The mass of automotive enthusiasts also offended the government, which so far has not paid attention.

"We don't need elevated toll roads, we need circuits, because tolls can only be used by elite people, we need circuits," said the orator.

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