GORONTALO - Head of the Regional Office of the Ministry of Religion (Kakanwil Kemenag) Gorontalo Syafrudin Baderung said the prospective Hajj pilgrims (JCH) who tested positive for COVID-19 would be postponed.

According to him, being negative for COVID-19 is one of the main conditions for the departure of the congregation, so that if a positive patient is found, the departure will be postponed on another flight.

“That is if there is another plane, but Gorontalo is very vulnerable because we are in the final batches. So we ask all the congregation to be in good health," said Syafrudin, quoted by Antara, Saturday, June 25.

The number of JCH Gorontalo pilgrimage season 1443 Hijri is 451 people, consisting of 447 pilgrims and four hajj officers.

JCH from Gorontalo will be dispatched in two groups, namely Batch 14 with 393 people and Group 17 with 58 people.

Departure for Group 14 on June 28 and Group 17 on July 1, 2022.

Acting Governor of Gorontalo Hamka Hendra Noer also appealed to the congregation to maintain their health, ahead of their departure to the holy land.

"We ask the pilgrims not to have direct contact with their families before departure. For beloved families who want friendship, just go online, video calls and others. Please take care of his health, don't take him in groups," said Hamka.

Hamka assessed that the readiness for the departure of the Gorontalo Hajj on June 28 and July 1, 2022 was very ready.

He asked all stakeholders to coordinate with each other, so that the process of departing and returning pilgrims could run well.*

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