JAKARTA - The number of Indonesians who received a booster dose of COVID-19 vaccine increased by 46,944 people on Friday, June 24, bringing the total to 49,543,811 people.

Based on the report of the Task Force for Handling COVID-19, the number of recipients of the complete dose of vaccine increased by 16,758 today. Thus, the total is 168,660,974 people.

Meanwhile, the total number of residents who received the first dose of COVID-19 vaccination also increased by 19,362 people bringing the total to 201,296,746.

Meanwhile, based on data from the COVID-19 Handling Task Force, the vaccine target is 208,265,720 people

The task force also informed that the positive cases of COVID-19 in Indonesia increased by 2,069 on Friday, bringing the current total to 6,076,894 people.

In this regard, the Task Force invites the entire community to play an active role in efforts to accelerate the handling of COVID-19 by continuing to strengthen health protocols and follow vaccinations from the first dose to the third dose or booster.

Head of the Professional Development Division of the Association of Indonesian Epidemiologists (PAEI) Masdalina Pane said strengthening health protocols was the main key that needed public attention when there was an increase in the number of COVID-19 cases.

"During the pandemic period, especially when there is an increase in cases, the strengthening of health protocols needs to be carried out by the entire community," he said as quoted by Antara.

Masdalina Pane added that apart from health protocols, vaccination from the first dose to booster doses is also the main thing needed by all residents.

"In addition, we must continue to fulfill the basic standards of epidemic control, especially 3T. The 3T practice plus the discipline of implementing health protocols and also vaccinations are a number of efforts needed to accelerate the handling of the COVID-19 pandemic," he concluded.

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