GUNUNG KIDUL - The Forum for Unifying the Young Generation of Gunung Kidul, Special Region of Yogyakarta, held a free tattoo removal program at the Darus Sholihin Islamic Boarding School which was attended by 62 people from the Central Java and DIY regions. Kidul, Thursday 23 June, said that the tattoo removal program held in Gunung Kidul was the second time. A similar program had previously been implemented at the Gunung Kidul Regional Secretariat Office two months ago. "We will hold this agenda regularly, we will continue with our friends. who intend to emigrate,” said Liesky Rennita. In addition to serving the community, he said, Fortuner was also asked to carry out a tattoo removal program at the Wonosari Penitentiary. His party is currently coordinating about the implementation of tattoo removal with the prison head. “The intention to emigrate is a momentum, marked by the removal of tattoos. Hopefully wherever it is, the event will run smoothly and can be useful for others," he said. In the tattoo removal program, Fortuner collaborated with the Berani Hijrah Baik Team, Pro Care Remove Tattoos, Dawam and Mualaf Center. "This tattoo removal program is carried out using a laser, "He said. The Deputy Regent of Gunung Kidul Heri Susanto gave his appreciation to the committee and participants who attended the event. According to him, tattoos have two perceptions among the public. "We really appreciate this form of gratitude for intending to emigrate," he said.

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