SERANG - Banten Police have named BP (68) the owner of the Gorda gas station on Jalan Raya Serang - Jakarta KM 70, Serang Banten as a suspect for fraud in selling motor fuel. Not only BP, the police also arrested FT (61), as the owner of the place of business.

The Head of Public Relations of the Banten Police, Kombes Pol. Shinto Silitonga, said in a written statement that BF and IT had both been named suspects since Monday, June 6.

Shinto explained, when checking at the gas station location, it was proven that there were fuel sales activities by modifying the dispenser machine using a remote control device.

"When checking at the location, it was true that there were sales of Pertalite, Pertamax, Pertamina Dex, Dexlite, and Solar fuel sales activities carried out by the gas station officer by setting the dispenser machine which had been modified by using a remote control device." Shinto said.

The Head of Sub-Division of Trade and Investment Industry (Indagsi) of the Banten Police Ditreskrimsus Kompol Chandra Sasongko said the perpetrators intentionally added remote control electrical components and automatic switches to the gas station dispensers.

"In trading Pertalite, Pertamax, Pertamina Dex, Dexlite, and Solar fuel types which result in not being in accordance with the size of the scale or amount other than according to the actual size, net content, net weight, or actual amount." Chandra said.

Chandra explained that from the results of the examination, it was known that the fraudulent fuel sales had been operating from 2016 to June 2022 and had received economic benefits.

"From the results of the examination, the perpetrators of carrying out this fuel sales fraud earned a profit of 4-5 million per day with a total profit of around 7 billion rupiah," said Chandra.

Chandra also said that in disclosing this case, investigators confiscated some evidence at the gas station location.

"We managed to secure evidence in the form of 2 remote control units, 4 relays installed in each fuel dispenser, 1 bundle of margin deposit slips, 1 bundle of surplus deposit slips, 4 units of cellphones, 7 bundles of archives of minutes of SPBU capital minutes Number: 34 -42117, 4 CPU units, 1 ATM, 1 passbook, and 2 bank statement bundles.” said Chandra.

The perpetrators were charged with multiple articles, namely Article 8 paragraph 1 letter c in conjunction with Article 62 paragraph 1 of Law Number 8 of 1999 concerning Consumer Protection and/or Article 27, Article 30 in conjunction with Article 32 paragraphs 1 and 2 of Law Number 2 of 1981 concerning Legal Metrology Jo Article 55 paragraph 1 and or Article 56 with a minimum sentence of 5 years in prison.

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