DEPOK - Head of Regional Tax I Regional Finance Agency (BKD) Depok City, Yuli Puspita Anggraini appealed to the public to take advantage of the Motor Vehicle Tax Bleaching Program (PKB) initiated by the West Java Provincial Government. " said Yuli Puspita in his statement, quoted by Antara, Wednesday, June 22. According to him, this program is beneficial and relaxing for the public in paying motor vehicle taxes. BBNKB) II and free of 5th year PKB arrears. In addition, there are also discounts offered in the form of PKB and BBNKB I. He said this program is valid from July to August 2022. We will conduct socialization to the village level so that people can take advantage of the opportunity Yuli said, 30 percent of the provincial tax revenue was returned to Depok City A fully supports this program because it not only benefits the community, but also for the local city. "People should be able to take advantage of this opportunity," he said.

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