JAKARTA - The South Jakarta Metro Police revealed the death of a female student from Cirebon, with the initials I (22) who was found in the room of an apartment in the Cipulir area, South Jakarta. Based on the investigation, two suspects were named in this case, RH alias Bela (41) and Lisa (29). Both are trans women, stylish men and women's appearance.

South Jakarta Metro Police Chief, Kombes Budhi Herdi Susianto said, I (22) died as a result of being injected with silicone in the hip. The practice was carried out in a room in the Cipulir apartment, South Jakarta.

Taking a closer look at this case, Kombes Budhi explained that the victim had previously been jealous of the body shape of the suspect RH alias Bela. Even though Bela is a trans woman, the real victim is a woman, wanting to have a body like Bela.

Based on the victim's wishes, continued Budhi, Bela suggested the victim to inject certain body parts. Dan Bela recommends Lisa (suspect I) as a person who can practice injections.

"According to the suspect's confession, the victim wanted to have a body like Bela's, so it was recommended that Lisa inject silicon into the suspect," Budhi told reporters at the South Jakarta Metro Police, Wednesday, June 22.

An agreement was made between the victim, Bela and Lisa to inject silicone. The apartment in the Cipulir area was chosen for the illegal practice. They met at the crime scene (TKP) on Friday, May 27, at 14.30 WIB.

Lisa took the syringe and started to inject the victim's hips, right and left, as much as 2x500 ml (1 liter). However, shortly after the injection, the victim complained of being cold and shivering. Lisa became more and more panicked and frightened when she found out that the victim had not moved. He immediately left the victim in the apartment room and left the keys to security officers.

"So from the autopsy conducted by the Police Hospital, we can conclude that there is a blockage in the tissue in the victim's buttocks. After we did an examination, it turned out that the injection was carried out by the suspect Lisa," explained Budhi.

14 days later, since the suspect Lisa gave the injection, on May 27, one of the residents of the apartment smelled an unpleasant odor in her neighborhood. The local apartment officer who received the report continued the findings to the police. The victim's body was found half naked.

"After entering, I saw that there was a corpse figure on the bed in a supine condition and the condition had decomposed, causing a strong odor. The sleeping position was supine on the mattress with the face covered with pillows," said Budhi.

The police investigated until finally the arrest of suspect Lisa in the East Pondok Jagung area, South Tangerang, Thursday, June 9, at 16.00 WIB.

"From Lisa, we get the relevant information and information. Having silicone injection services and then tools and materials as well as fluids for anesthesia and so on," said Budhi.

It was developed by the police, until the suspect Bela was finally arrested. Bela who provides recommendations with the motive of profiting as an intermediary.

"Bela receives a salary as a liaison between Lisa and the victim. Bela gets a salary of Rp. 200 thousand," he said.

For his actions, the suspect was charged with Article 359 of the Criminal Code in conjunction with Article 197 and Article 198 of Law NO. 36 concerning health with a maximum threat of 15 years and a maximum fine of Rp. 15 billion.

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