JAKARTA - The panel of judges sentenced Dominique Peliot to 20 years in prison. He was convicted of a case of reform against his wife, Gisele Pelicat, who was later raped by many people.

During the trial, a French court found a total of 51 defendants guilty in drug cases and the rape of Gisele Peliot.

Dominique Pelicot pleaded guilty to his wife repeatedly for nearly a decade raping her and offering his unconscious wife to have sex with dozens of foreigners.

As reported by Reuters on Thursday, December 19, overall, the court found 47 defendants guilty of rape, two people guilty of attempted rape and two people guilty of sexual assault.

Dominique Peliot, 72, denied affecting his wife's rapists. He said the men knew exactly what they were doing.

"I am a rapist like everyone else in this room," he said while giving testimony.

The rape trial sparked demonstrations across France to support Gisele. Meanwhile, the victim remains strong in facing the trial of her ex-husband in connection with a mass rape case.

"I decided not to feel ashamed, I didn't do anything wrong," said Gisele while testifying in October. They are the ones who must be ashamed," he said.

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