JAKARTA - The Regional Technical Implementation Unit (UPTD) of the Public Works Office of Binamarga, West Java Province, targets the repair of the collapsed road in Tanggeung-Cianjur District, West Java, to be completed in the next two weeks.

Bubun Bunyamin, an UPTD official at the Public Works Office of the Binamarga of West Java Province, Bubun Bunyamin, said that his party has coordinated with related officials to immediately carry out desludging and create a new route.

"Officers will construct a new path at the point of the collapsed road, three heavy equipment will be deployed to accelerate the process of eroding cliffs and constructing a new path. We estimate that in two weeks the construction of the new route will be completed," he said when contacted in Cianjur, Antara, Monday, 20 June.

During the handling process, the route to the south of Cianjur or vice versa is temporarily closed, so drivers are advised to take alternative routes on Jalan Raya Pagelaran or from Jalan Tanggeung.

Making new lanes is a quick option compared to handling at the bottom of the collapsed road because it takes a long time.

He appealed to motorists heading south to Cianjur to take alternative routes, starting from Highway Sukanagara through Kadupandak, Cijati Leles, Agrabinta and Sindangbarang or Performances through Tanggeung, Cibinong and Sindangbarang.

As reported, the main route connecting Cianjur, to the southern region, partially collapsed, precisely on Jalan Raya Tanggeung-Sindangbarang. There were no casualties or material casualties, but motorists are advised to choose an alternative route.

According to information gathered, heavy rains with a fairly high intensity for more than two hours hit the southern area of Cianjur, causing the main route connecting the sub-districts in Bojong Petir Village to collapse along 50 meters, last Saturday evening. As a result, especially four-wheeled vehicles cannot pass.

At the time of the incident, the traffic flow was quiet, so joint officers and residents immediately made a posse so that no vehicles would pass for a while because the collapsed road continued to expand.

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