JAKARTA - Entering the 16th day of operation for the departure of the Indonesian Hajj in 2022, 49,152 Hajj candidates have been flown to the Holy Land.

The Hajj Organizing Committee (PPIH) Spokesperson for the Ministry of Religion, Akhmad Fauzin, said the data was based on the latest figures pocketed by the Ministry of Religion.

"Based on the Saudi Arabian PPIH report today, 3,206 pilgrims arrived in Jeddah, bringing the total pilgrims who have departed for the Holy Land as many as 49,152 people", said Fauzin at a press conference for the Hajj in Jakarta, Monday, June 20.

Fauzin said that on Monday, 3,204 people would be flown to Saudi Arabia in the second batch of departures. Pilgrims of prospective hajj pilgrims who enter the second batch of departures will arrive at King Abdul Aziz Airport.

They will then carry out the obligatory umrah and a series of other sunnah worship until the implementation of Wukuf in Arafah.

He explained that the pilgrims who departed today came from eight flying groups from six embarkations, namely Banjarmasin, Jakarta-Pondok Gede, Lombok, Medan, Solo, and Surabaya.

"Regarding the data on prospective Hajj pilgrims, 160 people are sick, including 54 outpatients, 98 people being treated at Indonesian Hajj health centers, and eight people being treated at Saudi Arabian hospitals", he said.

Meanwhile, one more candidate for the pilgrimage died in the name of Sugiyansyah Basuni M. Yamin who came from the Banjarmasin three-flying group.

"So that until now the number of pilgrims who died as many as seven people", he said.

The Ministry of Religion always reminds pilgrims to limit outdoor activities, always wear footwear, don't wait to be thirsty to drink, and maintain health by eating on time and getting enough rest.

"Set the rhythm of your own health condition so you don't force yourself to always pray at the Grand Mosque, considering that the time for Wukuf is still long", he said.

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