MAKASSAR - The appearance of garbage piling up in the flow of the Barukang Utara canal, Ujung Tanah District, Makassar, requires special attention from the Makassar City Government. Because this garbage can flow and pollute the sea.

From VOI's observation, it appears that plastic, wood and food waste are dominated by waste. The head of the local RT, Fatimah, emphasized that this waste was not thrown by local residents. But garbage is said to be sent from Kelurahan Camba every rainy season.

“The canal is actually a long time ago, that's all when the rain came it was the garbage sent from the direction of Camba. This means that it is not our trash, it is post-sent rubbish, so if it rains there again, "said Fatimah when met by VOI, Tuesday, October 27.

According to him, the city government together with the TNI had previously carried out dredging. As a result, local residents never dumped garbage in the canal any more.

"In the past, residents did throw away, but it's not much, since the government and the TNI have already dredged them away. People don't throw them away anymore," said Fatimah.

VOI has tried to confirm the condition of the garbage in the Barukang Utara canal to related parties in the Makassar City Government. But there has been no response.

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