MEDAN - Deputy Chairperson Gerindra Fadli Zon invited Medan residents to support the candidate for mayor-deputy mayor of Medan Bobby Nasution-Aulia Rachman. This is because Medan under Akhyar Nasution's leadership when he was acting mayor (Plt) was considered unable to bring about change.
This was conveyed by Fadli Zon after inaugurating the management of the Indonesian Farmers Association (HKTI) North Sumatra, Monday, October 26. Fadli said, there were many chronic problems in Medan that until now the previous leaders had not been able to solve.
According to Fadli Zon, Medan City is still covered with a myriad of problems. Starting from floods, dirty environments, bad city planning, corruption, unemployment, high crime rates. Then also drug trafficking, inequality and social inequality are so contrasting.
"The public thinks that Medan is like that, synonymous with problems that have not been resolved until now. Medan must change, Bobby-Aulia will definitely be able to change the face of Medan for the better," said Fadli.
Fadli assessed that the change in the face of the city of Medan would only be possible if the leader was willing to move, he loved the people and the city.
"Pak Akhyar has been given the opportunity, but the situation in Medan is getting worse. Therefore, Medan residents must support Bobby-Aulia so that Medan changes and is a blessing," said Fadli Zon.
Meanwhile, the Chairman of the DPD Gerindra North Sumatra, Gus Irawan Pasaribu, expressed his gratitude to the Deputy Head of the DPP Gerindra Fadli Zon who has also invited the people of Medan to vote for Bobby - Aulia.
According to him, based on the last survey, Bobby-Aulia could win at 68.7 percent. The survey was conducted from 6-12 October with respondents spread across Medan.
"We are optimistic that this figure can continue to rise, and God willing, Medan will be a blessing city with Bobby-Aulia," said Gus.
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