PAPUA - Mimika Deputy Regent John Rettob said that a five-year-old child who was a passenger in a Bell 412 SP helicopter with flight code PK-DAR belonging to PT. Derazona Air Service is missing. This helicopter made an emergency landing in the interior of Timika, Wednesday, June 8.

The joint SAR team tomorrow will search for the victim who, according to witness statements, was thrown out of the helicopter.

"Meanwhile, the 10 crew and passengers have been evacuated and are now in the Timika Regional Hospital," said Deputy Regent Rettob to Antara, Wednesday night.

Evacuation of crew and passengers using three helicopters namely Caracal and two helicopters belonging to Airfast.

Heli Bell 412 SP with registration number PK-DAR belonging to PT. Derazona Air Service piloted by Capt. Benny Rusmanto and Copilot Capt. Rony Zulkarnain had a hard landing at position S 04 30' 12.54", E 137 16' 38.06".

The helicopter was used as a flying health center to visit people in remote areas far from the puskesmas or to evacuate people who were sick and had to be evacuated to a hospital in Timika.

"When the incident occurred, the helicopter on its way to Jila-Timika was reported to have been carrying three crew, three medical personnel and five passengers including three children," said Deputy Regent John Rettob.

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