JAKARTA - Chairman of the Pro Jokowi Volunteers (Projo), Budi Arie Setiadi, said the United Indonesia Coalition (KIB) which was declared from the Golkar Party, the National Mandate Party (PAN), and the United Development Party (PPP) was a smart coalition.

Projo was also present at the National Gathering (Silatnas) held by the United Indonesia Coalition in the City Forest, Senayan, Jakarta, Saturday, June 4, evening. According to Budi, the coalition is filled with a good component between Islamic and nationalist political parties.

"PAN represents Muhammadiyah voters, PPP nahdliyin, nationalist Golkar, these are good components. Underneath there are no clashes, I believe this is a smart coalition," Budi told reporters, quoted on Sunday, June 5. Budi emphasized that Projo is ready to discuss with the Golkar Party, PAN, and PPP in building a better Indonesia in the future. Because, he considered, the cooperation between the three political parties is something that needs to be supported.

"KIB has the same spirit as Projo. In building this great country, you can't do it alone, all components of the nation must be united, work together, work together," said Budi. PAN, and PPP have drawn up their plans for the 2024 general election (Pemilu) and presidential election (Pilpres). So Projo has not yet scheduled talks with KIB.

"Pak Ketum Airlangga is right, there must be a separate chapter on winning the Pileg, the presidential election. The party also concentrates on the Pilleg, right there must be a concentration on the presidential election," explained the Deputy Minister of Villages, Development of Disadvantaged Regions and Transmigration (Wamendes PDTT). Even so, Budi said, Projo is also open to other parties or coalitions who want to work together for the 2024 election.

Meanwhile, regarding whether Projo's name will change after President Joko Widodo's reign ends, Budi admits that he hasn't for now. He said Projo would pick his own destiny. "Calm down, there will be time. Later this Projo will pick up destiny," said Budi.

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